Wednesday 12 December 2012

How Healthy is Your Relationship?

Many people claim or think that they are in a healthy relationship, this totally normal, trust me. It is not abnormal to look at your relationship as a fairy tale at it's early stages , but really, what happens when it is no longer what it used to be ?

What many people do not realize is that the 'rose-coloured' glasses that make you see your relationship as perfect in the beginning , are in actual fact, 'blinders' that keep you from seeing the little problems that show that your relationship is not as healthy as should be. The following tips can help you maintain a healthy relationship:

Effective communication is the pillar and stronghold of any relationship, it is the key to building a healthy relationship. First of all, you both have to be sure that you want and expect the same things, don't walk into a relationship blindly and expect things to work out the way you want it to - being on the same page is very important.

Also creating boundaries is very essential in any relationship, don't assume that your partner knows where and when to stop. Create healthy boundaries, and try not to stifle your partner with too many rules,always remember that He/She had a life before you. With this in mind, You both should discuss your likes and dislikes , and then reach a compromise that will benefit both of you.

Finally every once in a while, you both should do something fun , find an activity you both enjoy and engage in it. always strive to keep your spark alive , and try not to let your relationship transcend in something boring and bothersome .

Everyone deserves to be in a safe and healthy relationship, and it is only fair that both parties work towards it. Do you think you are in a healthy relationship, take this TEST to determine if you are right or wrong.

Please Share Your Thoughts ...................................


  1. *sigh* relationship is a lng fing sure in my past ones I fflwd few of dis tips..newaiz I bliv wif dis tips it shud wrk...wif a lot of determination n effort 4rm d two parties tho!

  2. Took the test, my relationship is far from healthy o. I always try to understand my boyfriend, he has neva tried to change, he still talks to people he shudnt be talking to fme one in a relationshop, he still goes to strip clubs, hangs out with his female friends , I know this relationship is not meant to be already, and I want the relationship to end with the year.
    My boyfriend has no problem insulting my character anytime he wants, and when I complain he never listens instead he would refer me back to when I did it to him, he never says sorry, and is very comfortable not talking to me for days.
    Some relationships are wasted time, and I believe mine is one of them .
    I will surely use this tip in my next relationship, this one is officially over.

  3. Looool. I think mine is healthy..

  4. @angry gf, are you sure you rnt reading him all wrong, and if you are not, he probably was not the one for you from scratch. sorry dear.

  5. Test says my relationship's healthy. Well Done Yejide!!!

  6. What happens to those of us not in a relationship??
